Brandi Advogados

More than 35 years acting in the private law, public law and entrepreneur
law areas, within the national and international scope

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About Us

Brandi Advogados is a law firm organized for 35 years, acting in the private law, public law and entrepreneur law areas, within the national and international scope.

Brandi Advogados provides legal counseling for corporations, entities, companies and individuals, national and foreign, which develop their activities in several sectors of economy, as well as for governmental and non-governmental entities and organizations.

Brandi Advogados and its professionals are committed mainly with the quality, professionalism and efficiency of the legal/judicial services provided, resulting in the construction of a long and close relationship with its clients, divided into:

  • the understanding of the client’s business, the regulatory and competitive national and international environment in which the client exercises its activities, and the strategies and policies practiced by the client; and
  • the most appropriate analysis of the matters demanding a legal performance, correctly diagnosing the situations, identifying the objectives to be accomplished, presenting the possible solutions and implementing the most efficient measures to reach their goals.

Pratice Areas

Foreign Trade

Consultancy and implementation of foreign trade projects, including rules applicable to the European Economic Community, to MERCOSUL and to WTO.
Assistance in product supply international agreements, import and export regulations, custom charges, tax barriers, special custom regimes, subsidies, safe guards, dumping, transference prices, taxes, disputes in judicial and administrative courts.
Performance before public administration and foreign trade agencies.


Performance in legal matters and procedures, as well as arbitration related to the several areas of Law (Civil Law, Administrative Law, Tax Law, Labor Law, Commercial Law), such as: disputes in public and private agreements; economic regulation and competitive matters; civil liability; bidings; credit, insolvency and recovery of assets within the national and international scope; financial market and real estate.
Performance before regulatory bodies and agencies in administrative proceedings: Telecommunication National Agency (ANATEL), Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), Securities and Exchange Commissions (CVM), Oil National Agency (ANP), Electric Power National Agency (ANEEL), National Department for the Registry of Commerce (DNRC).

Agreements and Negotiations

Negotiation, preparation and performance of agreements for several sectors and activities: software licenses; consultancy; franchising; import and export agreements; agency, representation and distribution; real estate ventures; technology licensing; concession/delegation/exploration of public goods and services; construction, supply and commissioning of large equipments and works (EPC); project finance; products and services for the financial and real estate markets.
Specific experience in telecommunication, sanitation system, port and airport infrastructure, generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, oil production, gas, and others.

Public law (Administrative and Regulatory) and Bidings

Performance before public administration, state companies and regulatory agencies.
Obtainment of licenses/concessions/delegations for the exploitation of public services/activities.
Development of studies, together with public administration and regulatory agencies, aiming to model the structures for the concession of works, services and activities.
Assistance in bidings, including the preparation of proposals, qualification documents, discussion of agreements, presentation of resources and defense before judicial and administrative courts.

Civil law

Legal counseling services in different areas of Civil Law, such as properties, leasing, family, successions, civil liability.

Corporate and Entrepreneur Law

NegNegotiation, preparation and performance of commercial agreements: representation, distribution and supply of products and services, leasing, franchising and others.
Organization of companies in Brazil and abroad, reorganization and restructuring, mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, legal audits and due diligences.
Negotiation, preparation and performance of shareholders’ agreements, joint ventures and investment and business strategical plans.
Negotiation, preparation and execution of projects of association, transference and association of companies, business and ventures (“M&A”).

Comsumer Rights

Assistance for the preparation of agreements, presentation and sale of products/services, with the purpose to comply with the consumer rights.
Review of advertisement campaigns, information disclosed by the media, data on products/services and material developed by clients, aiming to comply with the consumer protection rules.
Performance before consumer agencies (PROCON) and Courts.

Labor Law, Occupational Accidents and Social Security

Performance in labor litigious (individual and general), union negotiations and consultancy in labor and union legislation, as well as its practical application.
Analysis, preparation and adaptation of procedures and practices related to human resources and staff regulation, including assistance to foreign companies in the adaptation of their processes to the Brazilian law.
Administrative and judicial performance and consultancy and orientation in legal and administrative matters involving occupational accidents and labor safety and medicine.

Tax Law

Studies, projects and implementation of fiscal and financing planning within a national and international scope, including matters related to transfer prices and extraterritorial taxation.
Orientation for the fiscal structuring and planning for the beginning of the operation of companies and business.
Consultancy in matters related to Brazilian taxation within the federal, state and municipal scope.
Performance in fiscal litigations before Brazilian Judicial and Administrative Courts.

Financial and Capital Markets

Regulatory and legal counseling and preparation of agreements, regulations and documents in order to structure the securities and financial operations; development of new products/services; constitution and restructuring of investment funds.
Regulatory and legal counseling in operations involving foreign capitals in Brazil and abroad; registry of investments, loans and other operations with foreign funds in Brazil and abroad.
Performance in administrative and regulatory procedures before the Central Bank of Brazil, Council of the National Financial System and Securities Commission (CVM).

Mediation, Settlement and Arbitration

Performance in arbitration proceedings, since the preparation of the proper clauses in agreements, until the conduction of arbitration procedures and execution of the arbitral awards.
Performance in conflicts settlement procedures, including mediation.


Legal counseling in environmental regulatory matters.
Performance in administrative, regulatory matters, as well as in matters concerning environmental impacts, soil contamination and regulatory requirements.
Legal counseling in environmental projects, obtainment of licenses and approval of projects in governmental bodies and environment protection agencies.

Industrial and Intellectual Proporty

Consultancy in judicial and administrative matters and proceedings involving patents, licensing, trademarks, copyright, and Internet domains, including the required registry before copyright, trademarks and patent Brazilian bodies.
Performance in proceedings filed with Brazilian courts and administrative bodies, involving violation of trademarks, patents and copyright, domains and unfair competition.


Andréa Mamberti Iwanicki

Graduated from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP); Post-graduated lato sensu – specialization in Contractual Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP); Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Section of São Paulo.

Arthur Brandi Sobrinho

Graduated from the Law School of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), specialized in Tax, Financial and Entrepreneur Law; Technician in accountancy, graduated from Colégio Comercial Graça Aranha, São Paulo; Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Sections of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília and Regional Accounting Council; He was the judge of the Labor Regional Court of the 15th Region (1986 to 1992); Member of the Voting Council of São Paulo Trade Board (1983 to 1995).

José Eduardo Moreira Marmo - licensed

Graduated from the Law School of Universidade de São Paulo (USP), specialized in Financial, Administrative and Political Law; Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Section of São Paulo; Was part of the Lawyers Association Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association – Section of São Paulo (1993 to 1997); Held the position of Legal Manager of a health company, was the Legal Manager and member of the Board of Directors of a company conducting business in the Chemical Products Commerce and Industry field (from 1980 to 1990); Legal counselor of the Medicine Association of São Paulo (in Administrative, Corporate, Labor and Civil Law).

Marcos Antonio Leal Pereira Shinmoto Junior

Graduated from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas – FMU; Post-graduated lato sensu in Contractual Law at Escola Paulista de Direito (EPD); Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Section of São Paulo.

Paulo Lima de Campos Castro

Graduated from the Law School of Universidade São Francisco, Bragança Paulista – SP; Post-graduated lato sensu – specialization in Labor Law and Procedure at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas - SP (PUCCAMP); Extension course in Civil Procedure Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP); Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Section of São Paulo.

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Brandi Advogados maintains associations or professional connections with important installed law firms:
- In the largest cities of Brazil;
- In Argentina and the other countries of Latin America;
- In the USA and Canada;
- In Italy and the other countries of Europe; and
- Around the world, including China and other Asian countries, by means of Consulegis.

Av. São Gabriel, 333 – 9º andar [floor]
CEP [Zip Code]: 01435-001
São Paulo – SP